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12 Day Deep Healing
Wellness Yoga Retreat

The Best Healing Retreat in Bali 2023


Rejuvenating and refreshing holiday for yoga lovers! But you will get much more by participating in self-awareness games and workshops!


We have designed this package for those who would like to experience the maximum in a short time:

  • Yoga & Meditation

  • Self-awareness games

  • SPA Services

  • Traveling


Most of the time we live our life automatically: going through the same activities every day, every week, every year. Within this routine, we cannot see new opportunities or new ways of life, and thus we remain stuck.


Your body tries to renew all of your cells every hour. When your energy starts flowing slower, the process of renewal and rejuvenation becomes slower as well. The same happens with your mind: when there are too many thoughts and worries, you are unable to seek new ways of thinking... YOUR BODY AND YOUR MIND NEED DEEP HEALING AND RENOVATION!



Yoga & Meditation

Your body exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In yoga, they come together in the present.

The program includes a combination of active yoga and meditations. Morning sessions are based on Hatha yoga and focus on physical body awareness and acceptance. Evening classes offer more meditation techniques and have the purpose of emotional cleansing, calming down your mind, and developing virtues and skills.


Hatha Yoga


Many popular modern yoga styles came from classic Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga means balance between Sun (Ha) and Moon (Tha) energies, which gives it the  power to transform you into a more balanced and strengthened being.


Hatha yoga is an ideal starting place for people who are new to yoga. One of the more challenging aspects of a yoga practice is combining movements with breathing control, or pranayama. Hatha yoga works on increasing flexibility and strength, improving breathing and calming down the mind. Hatha yoga purifies the body in preparation for meditation.




Discover your inner self through ancient Balinese healing yoga Markandeya! Combination of movements, static positions, breathing, and meditations will bring you to another level of awareness about all the blocks in your physical body.


Your body keeps the memory about your life experience, emotions of the past, traumas, and self-disconnection. Yoga and meditation is the best way to work on it and release whatever limits you. Practicing kriyas and meditations is a challenging experience. You always choose how deep you want to delve in.


During the practice, you can experience a lot of resistance and tension, but passing through it, will bring you to the inner world where you will meet with your soul, find answers to your questions, and discover your original personality. You will start feeling how your energy is moving, and you will understand that you are more than just a physical body. Attending meditation classes at our Retreat will give you a deep spiritual experience you have never received.


Sound Healing


The most beautiful and relaxing experience is waiting for you in a PERSONAL sound healing session.


Sound Healing is a powerful way to reduce stress and calm the mind, allowing you to sink into deep states of relaxation. Usage of different ancient instruments will trigger different emotions inside you. It will be your personal journey, that will give you awareness about your inner state and will help release deep subconscious blocks.


The practice of sound healing uses sound waves and harmonic vibrations that affect the body through different tones and instruments, including the human voice. These specific sounds help to harmonize our brainwaves through a technique called Entrainment. Entrainment stabilizes fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency with which the brain can synchronize. By using rhythm and frequency, we can entrain our brainwaves and facilitate a shift from our normal brain state to relaxed levels of consciousness, which is where deep healing can occur. We typically operate in beta brain states and sound healing can move us into theta and delta brain states. These brain states are associated with the unconscious, deep relaxation and connection to the universe.


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The most important conversations you'll ever have are the ones you'll have with yourself.

We all are playing the Game of Life. We are wearing different masks and show a wide range of emotions.


Who is the original you?

What is serving you and what is draining your energy?

All answers are inside us, we just need to become aware about our own wisdom.


Self-awareness Leela Game


Leela Game has been used for many centuries for clearing up negative mental tendencies and developing a higher conscience. Playing this game opens the awareness of the mind patterns and as a result  can change your  life and destiny. It is not a simple game, but a transformative psychological and spiritual practice.


In a few hours of play, you may learn MORE than you would during years of spiritual or psychological practices. You will find out where and how you are limiting yourself, you will expand your perception, and your consciousness, and discover and eliminate stereotypes, thinking patterns, and subconscious programs that constrain you.


During this game you will develop a deeper understanding of:


  • What's going on in my life "here and now"?

  • Where and why am I stuck?

  • What obstacles are preventing me from achieving my goals?

  • How do I achieve more clarity, awareness, and harmony?

  • What and how should I change?

  • Who drains my energy in the journey of life?

  • Where can I find the strength to accumulate energy to achieve my goals?​


Metaphorical Cards Personal Session


Metaphorical associative cards extract from the subconscious thoughts and feelings,the real motives of your actions and the causes of problems. You will meet your unconscious and dive into yourself. After identifying the problems, you will create an intention for healing, by establishing the desired situation and the steps you have to take in order to achieve your goals..


Your intention for the metaphorical cards can be connected to:

  • Problems in relationships (existing or lack of relationship)

  • Life circumstance that you want to change

  • Problem of choice

  • Financial difficulties

  • Career

  • Health problems


Aroma Psychology 


Aroma psychology is a technique that allows you to determine the characteristics of a person's psycho-emotional state. This is the answer to many questions related to you. If most of the time you live in captivity of negative emotions, depression, irritability, you cannot find yourself or your purpose. If you want to improve your life and open streams of abundance in all areas, then this diagnostic is for you.

Your subconscious mind will choose exactly those essential oils that can destroy negative attitudes and open harmony. Based on the results of the Aroma diagnostic, an individual resource blend will be created, which you can use for 21 days.

Essential oils have access to the limbic system of the brain, also called the "emotional brain." It is there that the feelings and emotions of difficult and traumatic situations that we cannot control are blocked and stuck. These feelings negatively affect our health, relationships and destiny.

Essential oils are able to penetrate the limbic brain and break down the blocks that keep you from being happy. Scents have subconscious or unconscious effects on our mental states, help to show more positive personality traits, and therefore make us happier. This is an amazing tool of self-knowledge for talking with your subconscious and Soul, from which you will receive answers to exciting questions that are hidden in ourselves.


Your experience on the retreat will include participation in 2 aroma psychology workshops. READ MORE about aroma psychology workshops, offered in Santhika Retreat Center. Depending on your arrival dates, they will be randomly chosen for you. However, everyone will be on the right one!​

SPA Treatments


Learn how to relax. Santhika Retreat provides 4 SPA treatments during your stay to show you how you can treat yourself in receiving love and care from other people!



2 Full Body Massages

1,5 h


Detox SPA Package

2 h


Queen/King SPA

2,5 h

Excursions to the Places of Power


Discover the healing power of NATURE! Santhika Retreat has prepared unforgettable tours to the most beautiful spots in the North of Bali. Every trip is a journey into your heart.


What emotions can you find there?

What source of energy will you feel at these PLACES OF POWER?





Our highlight tour is to the secret and holy Santhipala Waterfall, where we will conduct Malukat - a purification ceremony to clean your body, mind, and spirit on 7 chakra levels.


Surrounded by powerful nature, we will practice meditation at the waterfall.


At the end of the trip we will have lunch in the middle of beautiful rice fields at the organic farm.​




Only on the northern coast of Bali can you get this unique and unforgettable experience - watching dolphins in the wild!


The tour starts in the morning, a bit after sunrise to avoid the crowds. Dolphins come very close to the boats at this time of day. ​


Such an amazing experience is waiting for you when you get into the water and swim with the dolphins!




Your mind will stop running  immediately after you enter the holy space of the biggest Buddhist Temple in Bali, Brahma Vihara. Such a nice place to meditate!​


The Pagoda of the Temple is a replica of the world's largest Buddhist archeological site, Borobudur.​


Holy Hot Springs are located nearby. You can swim in the hot baths, make a hydromassage, and bring deep relaxation and healing into your body.

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Secret Garden


Secret Garden trekking tour will bring you to the beautiful green hill area between Sambangan and Ambengan villages, where you will visit Blue Lagoon, Aling-aling, Kroya, and Pucuk waterfalls.


You can do sliding, jumping, swimming and just enjoy the beauty of the stunning nature.

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  • Two-way airport transfer in Bali

  • 11 nights accommodation at the Retreat Center

  • 3 meals food package + nonalcoholic beverages

  • Yoga and meditation classes

  • Ancient Sound Healing Personal Session

  • Participation in Leela Game (one entry)

  • 2 Aroma Psychology workshops

  • Metaphorical cards session

  • Outdoor Yoga tour to Santhipala waterfall

  • 2 relaxing massages for 1,5 hours each

  • 2 SPA treatments

  • Dolphins adventure tour

  • Secret Garden waterfall trekking

  • Banjar tour

  • Balinese cultural activities 


What is not included:

  • Flight expenses

  • Visa on arrival

  • Extra SPA services

  • Extra tours

  • Alcohol beverages

  • Laundry service

  • Personal expenses


Important information:

Most countries can enter Bali with a visa on arrival (VOA). Please contact us to check if you need to apply for e-visa in advance as well.


Instant booking terms:

Deposit for instant booking is only 400 USD!

Instant booking doesn't guarantee room availability.

After payment, please contact us to confirm details of your reservation.


PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
Dream Hill

Single room

(shared bathroom)

IDR 28,000,000

Dream Hill

Single room

(private bathroom)

IDR 30,000,000

Dream Hill

Double room

(private bathroom)

(2 pax) IDR 54,000,000


Standard room

(private bathroom,


(1 pax) IDR 30,000,000

(2 pax) IDR 54,000,000

(3 pax) IDR 78,500,000

Santhiku Hotel

Superior room

(private bathroom,


(1 pax) IDR 31,000,000

(2 pax) IDR 55,500,000

(3 pax) IDR 80,000,000


The masters of our own space

I honestly find it hard to find the words, to sum up this experience.  I was often out of my comfort zone but loved every moment. I recommend going with an intention to say YES to every opportunity. You can choose how much you want to delve into the experience, and I am glad I jumped straight in. I feel full of life. Thank you for absolutely everything!"

Beautiful experience yet!

Amazing and caring team (instructors, staff, cooks and support teams!!!) I have traveled around the would and have never felt so cared for, so calm and so motivated by my surroundings! If I had to rate between 0 and 10 I would give the Spa, location, staff and support teams a 15 out of 10!!!! The management also was perfect, flexible and always supportive, literally 24/7!!! If you have the time and the money to go to the Santhika Retreat Center you will leave with riches beyond your expectations! I never write reviews!!!! But Santhika Retreat Center is truly worth the time, energy and work you put into it! Also, the other guests were from around the world, diverse and of all age groups! This made for a stimulating and rewarding exchange on the mat, during breaks, on field trips and around the group’s meal table! Why are you still reading this???? You should be booking your flight and making your reservation!

Do yourself a favour and book it!

I had such a lovely time on the yoga retreat! The yoga had such variety and I learnt so much. It was the perfect break for a mum of three travelling alone! I’m not a full-time yogi, but asanas were adjusted for me, and the meditation was beyond words. Do yourself a favour and book it! Thank you so much for everything!

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